The reason PearlCBD’s products are manufactured in our FDA-registered lab is two fold. In a new industry lacking standardization, PearlCBD is poised to be the leader in education and transparency. Simply stated, our customers can trust that what we put on our labels is exactly what our products contain. Our lab ensures we do this by maintaining the highest quality control standards, and helps ensure we are complaint when standardization does make its way to the industry. Our FDA-registered lab ensures standardization now and compliance when industry  standards come later.

In 2018, the Farm Bill lifted long standing restrictions on hemp, rendering the plant no longer regulated as a controlled substance and ending a historic prohibition that spanned decades. Yet despite the passing of this bill and the FDA having regulatory authority over CBD, the industry itself continues to lack standardization and scientific substantiation. 

The FDA has only approved a single CBD product – Epidiolex – which is used to treat seizures via a doctor’s prescription; And while the FDA has stated that cannabidiol products cannot be sold as dietary supplements, they have failed to set forth any standardization or furnish conclusive studies beyond the former. This means that it is up to the industry itself to set standards, as well as educate the consumer to understand this new and expansive market.

Of the few studies that have been done on CBD products, most all of them point to a pervasive and concerning trend : very few products contain the amount of CBD advertised and many products do not even advertise the amount of CBD they contain. In 2015, the FDA tested 15 CBD products and

found that none of them contained CBD. In 2016, the FDA found that only 2/24 CBD products tested contained what they said they did (77% had little to no CBD). Perhaps most alarming is a 2019 study furnished by Leafly that put 47 CBD products to the test and found that only 4 even came close to delivering the labeled dose. 23% contained 80% less CBD than advertised, 15% contained more than 120% of the CBD advertised, and 11% contained no CBD at all. 

PearlCBD’s premium pharma-grade products adhere to the highest standards in accordance with the Food & Drug Administration’s stringent best practices. This means we test all our products in-house in accordance with these practices, as well as via a third-party to ensure total accuracy and transparency. By adhering to these high standards today, we ensure that we are leading the way when regulation comes tomorrow.

Julia Davis